Sharat Katariya and Maneesh Sharma delivered one of the most unexpected hits in 2015 – Dum Laga Ke Haisha, and the duo is back together with Sui Dhaaga – Made In India. This will be Varun and Anushka’s first outing together. Speaking on the development, Varun said, "From Gandhiji to Modiji, our country's leaders have always endorsed the mantra of Made in India. With SUI DHAAGA I am proud to take their message to millions of movie lovers in a manner that is entertaining and relevant. I really liked the script Sharat had written and I am happy that I am teaming up with YRF on this movie. Anushka and I are teaming up for the first time so I am sure there will be fireworks.” Anushka added, “I always get excited with unique ideas that have human interest stories. SUI DHAAGA is a story of self reliance that I believe will connect to the grassroots level with every Indian. And I am really looking forward to work with Varun Dhawan and Maneesh Sharma’s team and Sharat Katariya.” Sui Dhaaga will release on 2nd October, 2018.