Thupparivaalan, the upcoming film for Vishal with the acclaimed director Mysskin has started rolling from September 26. An official auspicious pooja was done with the team members at Chennai where the first schedule is planned to be taking place. Produced by Vishal under his home banner Vishal Film Factory, this flick has Arrol Corelli of Pisasu fame to score the tunes. Rakul Preet Singh will be playing the leading lady for the first time opposite Vishal. The supporting cast has veteran director cum actor Bhagyaraj, actor Vinay Rai and Prasanna in pivotal roles. Touted to be an investigative crime thriller, the Kaththi Sandai actor will be featured as a detective in this film. For the past few weeks, the director and the actor seems to have had some rehearsal shots before the principal shooting. Vishal's stunning look in the film has been revealed in the Twitter pages and is the current talk of the tinsel town. Indeed it is the first time for Mysskin to direct a film for a top established actor but the duo is sure to deliver a non-commercial silent hit.