Director P.Vasu who is geared to make a horror with Raghava Lawrence titled as Shivalinga has started the first schedule of shooting at Bangalore from August 1. The first schedule will run for 25 days at the city after which the team will pause for a break. The second schedule has been planned to kickstart from September month. The news has been shared by Lawrence in his Facebook page officially. Produced by Trident Arts, the movie is the Tamil remake of the director's Kannada film Shivalinga featuring Shivaraj Kumar, Vedhika and Urvashi in lead roles. The Tamil version will have the Irudhi Suttru actress, Ritika Singh playing the female lead opposite Lawrence. The director’s son and the actor Shakthi Vasu will also be seen in a pivotal role. He will be doing the same role as in the original film. The technical crew has S.S.Thaman to score the tunes. Lawrence will be playing a CID Officer and Ritika Singh as his wife. The movie revolves around solving a murder whose murdered soul is being possessed by the investigating officer’s wife.