The Udta Punjab actress is presently shooting for Dear Zindagi directed by Gauri Shinde. The film revolves around her relationships in her life. Regarding the same, she will be having four love interests played by Ali Zafar, Aditya Roy Kapur, Angad Bedi and Kunal Kapoor. A song is being shot with the five of them in a party where all four male leads will shake their legs with Alia. The song titled as 'Love You Zindagi' has stirred much curiosity among the Bollywood fans. Apart from them, Shah Rukh Khan is also a part of the film who will be playing an important role in her life. But he will not be seen in the song and only young actors are taking part in it. The shooting took place at South Goa for 2 days and we also hear that all the crew members will be seen dancing in the song except for the director. As for the individual roles, the Aashiqui actor will be playing a boy-next-door as a furniture dealer. Ali Zafar will be featured as a rockstar who gives much importance to love and music with interesting tattoos. Kunal Kapoor plays a high-fashioned rich producer and Angad Bedi plays a restaurant owner & Alia's childhood love. The movie's story is about the lady's experience with these contrasting personalities and will open to screens in 2017.