Vishal’s upcoming rural action entertainer Marudhu directed by Muthaiah completed its shooting last month and the post production works are running at a fast pace. The theatrical distribution rights were reported to be purchased by Ayngaran International who have fixed the release date. It will open to screens on May 20, again a good weekend. But looks like Simbu’s Idhu Namma Aalu and Karthik Subbaraj’s Iraivi are also eyeing for the release on the same date. Official confirmation from the three teams are yet to arrive at our ears. However, it would be a visual treat for Kollywood audiences as all of them are different genre and unique in their own make. Produced by Gopuram Films, the music scored by D.Imman will be unveiled on April 29. The filming was extensively made at the heart of Tamil Nadu, in and around Rajapalayam. Sri Divya plays the lovelady for Vishal while Radha Ravi is playing an important role as Sri Divya’s father. RK Suresh, the villain in Tharai Thappattai is the antagonist here. Soori will be seen as the sidekick for Vishal and will take care of the comedy.