Siddharth who made his debut through Kannathil Muthamittal in an uncredited role has risen up to few award winning movies like Jigarthanda and Kaaviya Thalaivan. There has been no news about his upcoming film since many months and the actor has finally decided to break the ice. This flick is titled as ‘Jil Jung Juck’, a gibberish phrase used by Vadivelu in Kadhalan to describe girls. To be made with high dose of humour and action sequences, it is directed by Dheeraj Vaidy, the assistant of Karthik Subbaraj who has worked previously for Jigarthanda. It is bankrolled by the actor himself under the banner Etaki Entertainments and the shooting has been completely wrapped up. Veteran actor Radha Ravi is also seen to have a pivotal role with him. The most interesting part is that Siddharth will not have any female interest with him. He has also lent his voice for a promotional song ‘Strawberry’ in this film.