The Kollywood producer C.V.Kumar of Thirukumaran Entertainments is currently funding for Karthik Subbaraj’s Iraivi. Meanwhile he is stepping in for another comedy flick to be directed by a debut director G.Manikandan. Titled as ‘144’, it stars the all time favourite actor Siva, Ashok Selvan, Sruthi Ramakrishnan and Oviya in the leads. The shooting was wrapped up recently in a hush manner and a press meet was held. The storyline was smoothly cracked opened in the meet. The plot is based on 2 villages in the outskirts Madurai called as Poomalaikkundu and Erimalaikkundu. Poomalaikkundu was portrayed as a silent village with innocent people as the name suggests while the latter is just the opposite with furious residents. Due to the never-ending generation fights between these 2 villages, the Government issues a 144 order upon them. At this stage, a robbery happening in Erimalaikkundu will change the total scenario is the rest of the story.