New director Santhosh Raavanan has partnered with actor Prajin for their movie Raanjha. Actor-director M Sasikumar has revealed the poster announcing the film's title. Even though the movie's title, borrowed from the sad love tale of Heer and Raanjha in Urdu, implies a romantic story, the announcement post hinted at it being a thriller. Ivana Varun has been chosen to star opposite Prajin as the female lead. Raanjha, produced by K Sambasivan's Sri Krish Pictures and CV Kumar's Thirukumaran Entertainment, has Kishore Ramachandran as the cinematographer, Ignatious Ashwin as the editor, Hari SR as the music composer, V Sasi Kumar as the art director, and Ram Kumar as the stunt choreographer in its technical crew. Santhosh Raavanan gained recognition for his short films like Nediya Kazhiyum Ira. Prajin appeared in two movies in 2023 - D3 and Akku. His latest appearance was in Ninaivellam Neeyada.