On Wednesday, the creators unveiled the character posters for the movie "Do Aur Do Pyaar," featuring Vidya Balan and Ileana D’Cruz. The film, directed by Shirsha Guha Thakurta and written by Suprotim Sengupta and Eisha A Chopra, also includes Pratik Gandhi and Sendhil Ramamurthy in important roles. The posters show the characters portrayed by the actors. Vidya plays Kavya, a dentist with a bright smile; Pratik is Ani, an entrepreneur in love; Sendhil is Vikram, a photographer; and Ileana portrays Nora, a hopeful actor. The movie is inspired by the 2017 American comedy-drama film "The Lovers." It tells the story of Mary and Michael, a couple who are considering ending their marriage because they're dating other people. But things get funny when they decide to give their relationship another chance. The teaser for Do Aur Do Pyaar will come out on March 21. The movie is produced by Sameer Nair, Deepak Segal, Tanuj Garg, Atul Kasbekar, and Swati Iyer Chawla. It will hit theaters on April 19.