The team behind Pugazh's first movie as a lead actor, "Mr Zoo Keeper," dropped the trailer on Friday. The upcoming animal thriller is written and directed by J Suresh. The trailer begins by showing that one of three tiger cubs born to a tiger named Rajalakshmi has disappeared. We then see Pugazh, an innocent man, who cares for the tiger cub, mistaking it for a regular cat. However, things get complicated when police officers and forest officials start searching for the cub and discover it with Pugazh. "Mr. Zoo Keeper" is described as an adventure movie with plenty of humor. They used real animals for filming. The director, J Suresh, has experience directing Madhavan's movie "Ennavale" in the past. In "Mr. Zoo Keeper," Shirin Kanchwala stars alongside Pugazh. Singam Puli, Marimuthu, Imman Annachi, and Pyramid Kumar play supporting roles. Tanvir Mir, known for his work in "Psycho," handles the cinematography, while Yuvan Shankar Raja provides the music. Azeeb KS is in charge of editing. The movie is produced by Jeba of J4 Studios. A release date for "Mr. Zoo Keeper" hasn't been announced yet.