The movie Eagle's official preview came out on Monday. It stars Ravi Teja, Anupama Parameswaran, and Kavya Thapar. Madhubala, Srinivas Avasarala, Navdeep, Praneeta Pattnaik, Ajay Ghosh, Srinivas Reddy, Bhasha, Siva Narayana, Mirchi Kiran, Nitin Mehta, Dhruva, Edward, Maddy, and Akshara are also in the film. Kartik Ghattamneni wrote, directed, and edited the movie. He was also the cameraperson, along with Kamil Plocki and Karm Chawla. Manibabu Karanam helped write the movie, and Uthura and Raam Ravipati worked as co-editors and co-directors. In the teaser, Ravi Teja's character delivers a strong message to his foes. He plays a well-known criminal wanted by the authorities. Not much is known about him, except that he is incredibly skilled at fighting. Throughout the movie, Ravi Teja will appear in different roles. Eagle is created by TG Vishwa Prasad and co-created by Vivek Kuchibhotla under the People Media Factory company. Davzand is responsible for the music, and Srinagendra Tangala designed the production. Eagle is set to release in theaters on January 13.