We mentioned before that the release of Harish Kalyan's new movie Parking was delayed and they were waiting for a date to come out. But now, the people making the movie have said that it will be in cinemas on December 1st. Ramkumar Balakrishnan is the director, and Passion Studios and Soldier's Factory are supporting the movie Parking. It's supposed to be an exciting drama and has actors like Indhuja Ravichandran, MS Bhaskar, Prathana Nathan, Rama Rajendra, and Ilavarasu. The movie Parking, as the name says, talks about a common problem that people deal with every day. Lately, it's become tough for car owners to find parking, whether it's in apartment complexes or on the streets. In Parking, Harish acts as a person working in IT. The people helping make the movie include music maker Sam CS, cameraman Jiju Sunny, and editor NK Rahul.