Earlier, Suriya said his next movie, maybe called Suriya 43, will be directed by Sudha Kongara. Now, people are saying the movie will start being made in January next year. They also said Suriya will act with Dulquer Salmaan, Nazriya Fahadh, and Vijay Varma. Supported by Suriya and Jyotika's company 2D Entertainment, the movie, which doesn't have a name yet, will have music by GV Prakash. GV Prakash, who won a big award for Sudha Kongara-Suriya's Soorarai Pottru, is making his 100th film with Suriya 43. The people making the movie said the second part of the title is Purananooru, but they haven't said the full title yet. Suriya is filming for Kanguva directed by Siva, and he will have a small part in the Hindi version of Soorarai Pottru. Akshay Kumar is the main actor in the Hindi version, and it will come out on February 26, 2024.