The upcoming Kannada film Ghost, starring Shivarajkumar in the lead role, is scheduled to hit theaters on October 19, 2023. The film is directed by Chethan Kumar and produced by Sandesh Productions. Ghost is a supernatural thriller film that revolves around a man who is haunted by the ghost of his dead wife. The film also stars Urvashi, Aishwarya Lekshmi, and Jagapathi Babu in key roles. The makers of Ghost have released a few posters and teasers for the film, which have generated a lot of excitement among fans. The film is expected to be a visual feast, with stunning cinematography and special effects. Shivarajkumar is one of the most popular and respected actors in Kannada cinema. He has starred in some of the biggest blockbusters in the industry, including Mufti, Jogi, and Vikrant Rona. Ghost is Shivarajkumar's first film in over a year. Fans are eagerly awaiting the film's release, and they are confident that it will be a box office success.