The people creating the movie "Kushi" said on Wednesday that it got a U/A certificate after going through the censorship process. The director is Shiva Nirvana, and the main actors are Vijay Deverakonda and Samantha. It's a romantic comedy. The songs in the movie are made by Hesham Abdul Wahab, who also worked on the music for "Hridayam." Along with the main actors, Kushi also has many other people in important roles like Sachin Khedekar, Murali Sharma, and others. The people who made the film are Naveen Yerneni and Ravi Shankar, and they did it under the Mythri Movie Makers name. Murali G is the person who took the pictures for the movie. Prawin Pudi is in charge of putting all the scenes together, and Jayashree Lakshminarayan made how everything looks in the movie. "Kushi" is coming out on September 1, and you can watch it in different languages like Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada, Hindi, and Telugu.