'Kushi,' a new romantic story starring Vijay Devarakonda and Samantha, The trailer is going to release on August 9. Vijay Deverakonda recently shared on his social media that the trailer for 'Kushi' got a U certificate and is 2 minutes and 41 seconds in length. The movie 'Kushi' is created and directed by Shiva Nirvana. He's the one who also made movies like 'Ninnu Kori,' 'Majili,' and 'Tuck Jagadish' before. The people creating the movie have put out three separate songs from the film. These songs are called Aaradhya, Kushi, and Naa Roja Nuvve. The music for the movie is made by Hesham Abdul Wahab, who is known for his work in Hridayam. The words for all these three songs were written by the director Shiva Nirvana. Sachin Khedekar, Murali Sharma, Rohini Molleti, Lakshmi, Vennela Kishore, Rahul Ramakrishna, Srikanth Iyengar, and Saranya Pradeep are also part of the cast in supporting roles in 'Kushi.' The movie is made by Naveen Yerneni and Ravi Shankar, and it's being produced under the Mythri Movie Makers label. The cinematographer for the movie is Murali G, and Prawin Pudi is editing it. Jayashree Lakshminarayan is handling the design for the movie sets. 'Kushi' is scheduled to come out on September 1 in various languages, including Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada, Hindi, and Telugu.