Actor Silambarasan shared the first-look poster of the movie "Nanban Oruvan Vandha Piragu" (NOVP) on his official X account on Sunday. The film is the directorial debut of Ananth, known for Meesaya Murukku, and it will be presented by Venkat Prabhu. Ananth, who wrote, directed, and acted in the film, has Bhavani Sre, RJ Vijay, and Monica as the main stars. The first look poster shows all the actors wearing blue and showcasing their special skills. The movie is a drama centered on friendship and includes supporting roles played by Kumaravel, CWC fame-Bala, Wilspat, Irfan, Sabarish, and RJ Aanandhi. It is produced by Masala Popcorn Productions and White Feather Studios. The team behind NOVP includes DOP Tamil Selvan, editor Fenny Oliver, and music by AH Kaashif, known for Kaatrin Mozhi. The film's release date is yet to be announced by the makers.