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Arya explains why the release of Puli was delayed


There was a disappointing news yesterday to Vijay’s fans that Puli have postponed its release date from September 17 to October 1. The reason behind the delay was doomed on the pending graphics works but that doesn't seems to be the original cause according to few hashtags in Twitter. The fire rose like Puli was backed out due to the release of Arya's Yatchan on September 11. When this came into notice of the Yatchan actor, he took time to explain that it was a stupid hashtag and Puli had been tentatively announced for the release on September 17 and that graphics work was the real reason for the delay. Vijay’s movies were all known for grossing collections and there was no need to create clash between the two with rumours that it got overdue in afraid of the growing actor’s release.

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