The film "Thudikkum Karangal," starring actor Vimal, is set to hit the screens in August, as announced by the makers on Sunday. However, the specific release date is yet to be revealed. Earlier, the makers had unveiled the film's first look poster, which exudes warm tones and captures Vemal with an intense expression, holding a gun. Thudikkum Karangal is a film written and directed by Veludoss, with backing from K Annadurai. The filmmaker has co-produced the movie alongside Kalidoss. The talented technical crew behind Thudikkum Karangal includes Rammy as the cinematographer, while Lawrence Kishore takes charge of the editing. Ragav Prasad has composed the music for the film, adding a captivating touch to the project. In the meantime, Vimal's recent appearances include "Deiva Machan" and "Kulasamy." He is currently involved in several other projects, such as "Sandakkari," "Enga Pattan Sothu," "Manjal Kudai," and "Lucky," each at different stages of production.