Priya Bhavani Shankar is all set to star as the leading lady in Vishal-Hari's Vishal 34, as announced by the film's makers on Monday. This collaboration marks a reunion for Priya and filmmaker Hari, who previously worked together in the movie Yaanai, where Arun Vijay played the lead role. The film is produced by Karthik Subbaraj's Stone Bench Production and Kaarthekeyan Santhanam's Zee Studios. Notably, this upcoming movie will be the third collaboration between Hari and Vishal Devi Sri Prasad is all set to compose the music for Vishal 34. The renowned music composer has previously collaborated with director Hari on several successful films, including Aaru, Singam, Singam 2, Venghai, and Saami 2, to name just a few. As of now, the makers of Vishal 34 have not yet announced the remaining cast and other technical crew members.