As per our previous update, the commencement of actor Vijay Sethupathi's 51st film took place in Malaysia. In a recent social media announcement on Monday, the production team shared the completion of the first schedule of the film. The tentative title of the movie is VJS 51. Arumugakumar, the director of the acclaimed film "Oru Nalla Naal Paathu Solren," will be at the helm of this project. The film, which received its launch in Malaysia in mid-May, is backed by 7Cs Entertainment. It's worth noting that 7Cs Entertainment had previously supported Vijay Sethupathi's film "Laabam." In addition to Vijay Sethupathi, the cast of the film includes Rukmini and Yogi Babu. The talented composer Justin Prabhakaran has been roped in to create the music for the film. As of now, the remaining details about the project are being kept undisclosed.