The makers of the sequel to the 2022 comedy caper DJ Tillu, titled Tillu Square, revealed on Monday that the film is set to be released in theaters on September 15. From the announcement of the release date, the movie makers revealed a new poster for the film, recreating the iconic DJ Tillu poster. In the original film, Siddhu portrayed the character of Tillu, a charismatic DJ whose life takes a dramatic turn when his love interest Radhika (played by Neha Shetty) accidentally kills her fiancé. The movie proved to be one of the unexpected hits of 2022. For the sequel, Anupama Parameshwaran has taken over the role previously played by Neha Shetty. After numerous auditions by several actors, Anupama was selected to portray the character in the film. Tillu Square, the sequel to the 2022 comedy caper DJ Tillu, is being directed by Mallik Ram, while the original film was helmed by Vimal Krishna. Sithara Entertainments is producing Tillu Square in collaboration with Fortune Four Cinemas. Sai Prakash Ummadisingu serves as the director of photography for the film, while Navin Nooli and Ram Miryala have returned to handle the editing and music departments, respectively. The film will be presented by Srikara Studios.