On Wednesday, the creators of the film "Maruthi Nagar Police Station" unveiled its official trailer. Written and directed by Dayal Padmanabhan, the film features Varalaxmi Sarathkumar in a prominent role. Excitingly, the film is set to premiere exclusively on Aha Tamil on May 19. The trailer of "Maruthi Nagar Police Station" offers a glimpse into a gripping crime thriller set within the confines of a police station. Varalaxmi Sarathkumar appears to lead a team of dedicated cops as they embark on a mission to unravel a series of crimes that directly impact their own precinct. The trailer hints at an intense and suspenseful narrative that promises to keep audiences on the edge of their seats. In addition to Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, "Maruthi Nagar Police Station" features a talented ensemble cast including Arav, Mahat Raghavendra, Yasar, Vivek Rajagopal, Amit Bharghav, Subramanya Siva, Yash Shetty, Ravi Venkatraman, Shruthi Nayak, Joe Simon, Balaji, and Chandra chud.