During the final promotional event of "Ponniyin Selvan 2" in Chennai, actor Jayam Ravi conveyed his appreciation and affection towards the film's cast and crew. During the event, Jayam Ravi became particularly emotional when discussing his strong connection with his co-star, Karthi. He expressed that calling Karthi a friend or brother would not accurately convey the depth of their relationship and instead referred to him as his soulmate. Jayam Ravi further shared that he holds a special place in his heart for Karthi and expressed his desire to work with him again. Although there are no concrete plans for future collaboration, Jayam Ravi expressed his eagerness to continue spending quality time with Karthi until then. The movie Ponniyin Selvan 2, features a star-studded cast including Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Vikram, Karthi, Trisha, Jayam Ravi, Sobhita Dhulipala, Prabhu, R. Sarathkumar, Vikram Prabhu, Jayaram, Prakash Raj, Rahman and R Parthiban, is an adaptation of Kalki Krishnamurthy's novel directed by Mani Ratnam in collaboration with Elango Kumaravel and B Jeyamohan. Poniyin Selvan -2 Hits the theatres today