Ajith Kumar is preparing for his 62nd film produced by Lyca Productions, after the success of Thunivu. Initially, Vignesh Shivan was set to direct, but now critically acclaimed director Magizh Thirumeni will helm the project. The latest reports also indicate that the music director for AK62 will be changed. Previously, Anirudh Ravichander was hired to compose music for the film under Vignesh Shivan's direction, but now it's reported that Arun Raj will be scoring music for Ajith for the first time. Arun Raj has previously collaborated with Magizh Thirumeni in "Thadam". The film with Magizh Thirumeni will have a huge budget of Rs 220 crores and is expected to be released for Diwali 2023. Magizh Thirumeni is reportedly being paid a substantial fee for AK62. On a personal note, reports indicate that Ajith will take a break from acting to complete his world bike tour.