Who is going to direct AK 62?. Vignesh Shivan is a renowned director in Tamil cinema with a track record of delivering blockbuster movies. Unfortunately, his involvement with AK 62 was cut short when Lyka productions didn't approve of the storyline. Nayanthara tried to intervene, but Lyka confirmed that they have chosen Magizh Thirumeni as the new director for AK 62. Magizh Thirumeni is a prominent director known for delivering iconic films such as Kalaga Thalaivan and Thadam. The reason for Lyka's removal of Vignesh Shivan from AK62 has not been made public. This has the potential to harm Vignesh Shivan's directing career. Lyka officially stated that Vignesh Shivan hadn't finished the script, leading to their decision to bring on Magizh Thirumeni for AK62.