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Vignesh Shivan

Vignesh Shivan Out of AK62!

Vignesh Shivan

Vignesh Shivan Out of AK62. Actor Ajith Kumar is experiencing success with his latest film Thunivu. He's currently on a break and vacationing in Europe. Reports initially stated AK62 directed by Vignesh Shivan would start filming in February, but rumors now suggest AK has chosen Vishnu Varshan as the director. The reason is said to be that Ajith wanted to hire KGF director Prashanth Neil, but due to scheduling conflicts, he settled on Vishnu Vardhan. Reports also suggest that these rumors are unfounded and should be taken with a grain of salt until confirmed. AK 62 is reportedly Ajith Kumar's most expensive project to date. To deliver major action scenes, the production team has hired stunt choreographers from Hollywood. What will be the next move of Vignesh Shivan.

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