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Keerthi Suresh

Keerthi Suresh Open Up 13 Years of love!

Keerthi Suresh

Keerthi Suresh Open up 13 Years of love. Keerthy Suresh is a renowned South Indian actress, who made her debut in Tamil cinema with the film "Ithu Enna Mayam" in 2015. Since then, she has starred in numerous successful films in Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu, and other languages. One of her notable roles was as Savitri in the film "Anthakayar Thilakam," which is based on the life of the famous actress Savitri. She received a National Award for her outstanding performance in the film. Actress Keerthy Suresh is currently taking on leading roles in films that prioritize the female protagonist, such as Mamannan, Siren, and Rahu Datta. Additionally, it has been reported that she has been in a relationship with her schoolmate for 13 years. The couple, who both come from supportive families, plans to marry in four years. Keerthi Suresh.

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