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Parithabangal Gopi

Paridhabangal Fame Gopi and Sudhakar Starts Their New Project!

Parithabangal Gopi

Gopi and Sudhakar are well-known YouTubers who initially gained fame by creating troll videos of famous celebrities. They later decided to make a film using crowdfunding and were able to raise a significant sum of around 7.5 crore from it. However, the issue arose when they did not reveal any information about the project after receiving the funds. Following the delay in their project, they released a video explaining the reason for the delay, which resulted in a negative perception of them. Despite this, they have a large fan base and did not want to disappoint them. As a result, they have moved on to their next project which does not require a large budget. Recently, a pooja ceremony for the new film was held and they have shared their ideas about it. They have also hinted that the profits from this film will be used for their first project.

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