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Sabha Swaminathan

NETFLIX reunites the cast of the famous TV show Lollu Sabha!

Sabha Swaminathan

"Breaking Bad" is a popular TV series that has gained a global following. The story centers around a cancer-stricken professor who teams up with a student to manufacture and sell drugs. Since its debut in 2008, the show has amassed a large fanbase. Recently, Netflix announced plans to create a parody of "Breaking Bad" called "Joking Bad." The cast and crew of the "Joking Bad" spoof show are causing quite a stir. "Lollu Sabha," a popular TV series produced by Star Vijay Television, is known for its reach and popularity. Netflix has chosen this team to create a parody of "Breaking Bad." This news has excited audiences who eagerly await the show's premiere tomorrow, January 20th, 2023.

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