Telugu Movie My Dear Maarthandam Photos, Videos, Reviews
Telugu Movie My Dear Maarthandam Photos, Videos, Reviews

My Dear Maarthandam


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My Dear Maarthandam (2018): A Telugu Comedy and Drama Film featuring Mahesh Vitta , and Jayaprakash Reddy , and Kalpika Ganesh , and Kalyan Vittapu , and Krishna Bhagwan , and Prudhvi Raj , and Rakendu Mouli , and Tagubothu Ramesh in a Lead roles,  Directed by  Music by

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Cast & Crew

Actor Mahesh Vitta in My Dear Maarthandam, Actor Mahesh Vitta photos, videos in My Dear Maarthandam
Mahesh Vitta

Role : Actor

Actor Jayaprakash Reddy in My Dear Maarthandam, Actor Jayaprakash Reddy photos, videos in My Dear Maarthandam
Jayaprakash Reddy

Role : Actor

Actor Kalpika Ganesh in My Dear Maarthandam, Actor Kalpika Ganesh photos, videos in My Dear Maarthandam
Kalpika Ganesh

Role : Keerthi

Actor Kalyan Vittapu in My Dear Maarthandam, Actor Kalyan Vittapu photos, videos in My Dear Maarthandam
Kalyan Vittapu

Role : Actor

Actor Krishna Bhagwan in My Dear Maarthandam, Actor Krishna Bhagwan photos, videos in My Dear Maarthandam
Krishna Bhagwan

Role : Actor

Actor Prudhvi Raj in My Dear Maarthandam, Actor Prudhvi Raj photos, videos in My Dear Maarthandam
Prudhvi Raj

Role : Marthandam

Actor Rakendu Mouli in My Dear Maarthandam, Actor Rakendu Mouli photos, videos in My Dear Maarthandam
Rakendu Mouli

Role : Actor

Actor Tagubothu Ramesh in My Dear Maarthandam, Actor Tagubothu Ramesh photos, videos in My Dear Maarthandam
Tagubothu Ramesh

Role : Actor

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